The 27th International ACM SIGACCESS
Conference on Computers and AccessibilityDenver, Colorado
October 26—29 2025

The ASSETS conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities and older adults. We invite high-quality original submissions on topics relevant to computing and accessibility.
All Technical Papers and Posters and Demonstrations submissions are peer-reviewed by an international Program Committee. Accepted papers and the abstracts for posters and demonstrations, experience reports, and the student research competition will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of accepted submissions must register as the presenter by the early registration deadline.
Latest Updates
- (10/30/24) ASSETS 2025 is announced
- (10/30/24) Volunteeer opportunities are available!
- (2/3/25) CfPs available for Posters/Demos, Mentoring, Experience Reports, and Doctoral Consortium